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研究課題名 | 身につく力 | 連携先 | 平成26年度 主な学習の場 |
平成27・28年度 主な学習の場 |
P1 | デザイン思考講座 | 問題発見力 | 慶應SFC坂井直樹前教授 Curioschool(講師協力) |
4年総合学習 | 3年,4年総合学習 |
P2 | リーダーシップ講座開発 | 共感力・内省力 | 日本教育大学院大学 熊平美香前学長 Teach for Japan(講師協力) |
5年総合学習 | 4年,5年総合学習 |
P3 | ITを用いた 問題解決型授業の開発 |
問題発見力 英語を含む発信力 |
コルベ・カレッジ(AUS) アングロチャイニーズスクール(シンガポール) |
5年家庭科 | 5年家庭科 |
P4 | 起業プランコンテストの 発表の場づくり |
身につけた力を 総合的に用いる場 |
東京大学・慶應義塾大学 鈴木寛教授 |
4・5年総合学習 6年選択講座 |
4・5年総合学習 6年選択講座 |
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About the Super Global High School (SGH) program
Here we are introducing the Super Global High School (SGH) program.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) had started the “Super Global High School (SGH)” program from FY2014 with the aim to foster globalized leaders who will be able to play active roles on the international stage in the future.
Totally 133 schools were certified; 56 high schools were certified in FY2014, 56 more in FY2015 and 11 more in FY2016. Our school was certified in FY2014 and plans to perfom project studies for 5 years from FY2014 (planned). Among the certified schools, there are totally 13 girls’ schools, 7 for FY2014, 5 for FY2015 and 1 for FY2014.
Please refer to the SGH homepage for the detail of the overall SGH program.
Here is the list of SGH certified schools.
■Thoughts of Shinagawa Joshi Gakuin regarding applying to SGH
We see much consistency between the kinds of students our school aims to nuture and the globalized leaders the SGH program seems to cultivate. We also acknowledge that the globalization of society is a reality in Japan and international society. For these reasons, our school applied to the SGH program.
Project study plan of Shinagawa Joshi Gakuin
【Study on female talent development focused on leadership and start up venture growth mindset through collaboration with real business 】
We perceive persons having “entrepreneurship” as those who have the will to find social problems around themselves, work with various people for discussion and cooperation, and move forward to solve those problems.
As Japan enters its mature stage as a developed society, we see the development of entrepreneurial skills as an important element of our school’s educational objectives.
Since we have already been focused on developing these entrepreneurial skills as part of our “28 project ”, the SGH certification will enable us to expand and deepen o ur goals of cultivating women who are capable of contributing to global society.
Please refer to the “design record” (PDF) submitted to MEXT about our plan and the “research and development completion report (H26/FY2014,H27/FY2015)” (PDF) about our project studies in FY2014 amd FY2015.
■SGH project studies at our school
We considered we can accomplish the SGH project studies by developing the studies we are already working on as “28 project”.
The “28 project” is a series of educational activities, which encourages each student to be capable of reaching the ideal version of themselves around the age of 28. By this age , she must have necessary knowledge as well as academic and other critical abilities. Our school has been integrating necessary actions into the “28 project”, as we forecast further progress of globalization. The theme fostering globalized leaders the SGH program aims for also corresponds to the objectives of the “28 project”.
Therefore, we do not change the principles of “28 project” when we incorporate the SGH program; rather, we are going to enrich the contents of the “28 project” and develop it further.
■Major activities using the budget allocated by MEXT
Name of the study | Abilities obtained | Cooperation with | Classes the study performed in FY2014 | Classes the study performed in FY2015 ,FY2016 | |
1 | Design thinking Setting problems | Setting problems | Prof. Naoki Sakai, former Prof. of Keio University SFC Curioschool(cooperated for lecturers) |
Integrated study, 10th Grade | Integrated study, 9th & 10th Grade |
2 | Leadership development | Sympathy, Reflection | Ms. Mika Kumahira, former President of Japan Professional School of Education Teach for Japan(cooperated for lecturers) |
Integrated study, 11th Grade | Integrated study, 10th & 11th Grade |
3 | Development of class for problem solving using IT | Setting problems, Communicativity including in English | Kolbe Catholic College(AUS) The Anglo-Chinese School (ACS International school)(in Singapore) |
Home econimics, 11th Grade | Home econimics, 11th Grade |
4 | Offering situations to present entrepreneur plans in a contest style | Capability to comprehensively utilize obtained entrepreneurial abilities | University of Tokyo Prof. Kan Suzuki of Keio University |
Integrated study, 10th & 11th Grade Elective course, 12th Grade |
Integrated study, 10th & 11th Grade Elective course, 12th Grade |
These projects are performed mainly by senior high school students; however, projects for fostering future globalized leaders are started in junior high school. Also we focus on improving English abilities in conjunction with these projects. Since SGH certified school must pursue SGH-related project studies over the course of 5 years, we plan to have our students experience various projects in accordance with their grade level, considering a variety of methods for incorporating English into our curriculum classes so that students will develop their English proficiency.
SGH project studies require IT equipment so as to communicate with schools abroad. For this purpose, each student in the senior high school has a tablet PC and an email address given from the school and uses them to communicate with people outside of the school.
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We are going to introduce our SGH project studies. Please see those from the recent articles on the right side of the screen.
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