2013/9/17 火曜日


カテゴリー: その他 — 漆 @ 17:45:27










I was nineteen when my life changed.
I was a runner. I was a swimmer. I was even a cheerleader. Then, just weeks after I first felt pains in my ankle, I lost my leg to cancer. Of course, it was hard. I was in despair. Until I returned to university and took up athletics.

I found that I enjoyed setting a goal and beating it. I developed new confidence. Most of all, I learnt that what was important was what I had, not what I had lost.

Then came the 11th of March 2011. The tsunami hit my hometown. For six days I did not know if my family were still alive.

I collected messages from schools and took them home… And shared with the people my own experiences.  I also took food supplies. And other athletes did the same. Together, we organized sport activities to help restore confidence.

Only then did I see the true power of sport… To create new dreams and smiles. To give hope. To bring people together.


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